Investorship Financial Education Foundation

Financial literacy is a priority in school districts around the country. But too many of us don’t know what lies at the heart of the matter: the importance of spending. Once you understand spending, the details of financial literacy will follow.

Spending is something we do every moment of every day. We spend our time, our energy, and yes, sometimes, our money. We do it to get something in return. That “something” is wealth.

All of us are in need of multiple wealths (plural). It can be a wealth of satisfaction, of friendships, of great memories, of scores of other good things. It is also the money we need to secure those wealths in the future. To do that, we need to ask questions:

What am I getting in return for my time, my energy, or my money?
Am I getting something of value—something that meets my needs?
Over time, does what I get increase or decrease in value?

The problem is that we hardly ever give these questions a second thought—or even a first. There are reasons for this:
— We are all NORMAL!
Being normal doesn’t always mean doing the right thing.
But it’s possible to think differently, to be NormalPLUS!

Whether you’re spending your time, your energy, or your money, there IS a way to do so that will result in acquiring multiple wealths!

The Investorship Financial Education Foundation (IFEF) exists to convey these essential ideas, and to equip educators with the tools to help students understand them. The Foundation’s work is to provide educators with resources to help them achieve these goals. To that end, we are making available, free of charge, instructional materials on the foundations of spendingwealths, and a path to moving from Normal to NormalPLUS.

A free, secure PDF of the book, Spending Your Way to Wealths, is now available to educators.